The speed of development and politicization of the process created a much higher than “normal” hesitancy towards the Covid-19 vaccine specifically. Perhaps the greatest medical accomplishment of our time is useless if no one takes it. So how can we inspire greater vaccine confidence across a very broad cross-section of Americans?
You can’t fight deep emotion with pure reason. All the science was already out there—from extremely credible sources, but no one was listening to it. The best way to open people up to learning more, to overcoming their fears, was to remind them of the simple, but extremely powerful human moments Covid has taken from us.
By showing people the simplest moments of human connection—a hug between close friends, playing with your grandkids, celebrating as an entire family—we reminded people of what they have given up. Raw, real. footage of events that used to happen every single day and now, with the help of the vaccine, they can get back.
The Videos launched online and rolled out on TV. An OOH drive followed with over $2.7M in donated media.