Alpha Foods
Outshouted by rivals and buried under a sea of sameness, Anytime Fitness must seize its opportunity to break away from category norms and showcase why it is different to raise brand awareness and drive consideration.
Most people aren't training to be olympians or even run a marathon.
The truth is, most people are just training for the things that life throws at us everyday—big and small.
We want to lift our kids with relative ease. We want to go up and down the stairs without breaking into a sweat. We want to walk to our next meeting without wheezing uncontrollably upon arrival.
Train for Your Life.
With more than 5,000 gyms across all seven continents (yes, even that really cold one) open 24/7, robust online classes, personalization plans, Anytime Fitness is uniquely positioned for anyone to train for their life anywhere, any time.
We showed real people making real progress for useful things in their life (like dunking in their backyard and opening a jar of pickles)—then compared these to very not-so-useful things (like knowing what "sine" and "cosine" in math and the atomic weight of magnesium).