Anytime Fitness
For years Lucifans have enjoyed watching Mr Morningstar's sinful adventures.
And it's been delightfully relatable—because there's a sinner in all of us.
The Sin Rewards Card.
The show encouraged fans to cash in on sin and buy what they truly desire with a card that rewards people for sinning.
All fans had to do is tell Lucifer which of the seven deadly sins they’re most guilty of on Twitter and Instagram via @LuciferNetflix and tag one of seven deadly sins: wrath, sloth, gluttony, envy, pride, greed, and lust.
The card converts the seven 'deadly sins' into fun, real life items and experiences. “Sloth,” for example, was rewarded with money towards a vacation rental. There was free food for those who have sinned “gluttony.” Meanwhile, “greed” earned fans a new piece of tech.
The best part? No membership charge or annual fee. Your soul notwithstanding.