Having public water available within schools is something we took completely for granted...until the pandemic. And hydration is critically important to kids. So as much as we know they love Capri Sun, for a radically different back-to-school period, what they truly need is water.
Fill those iconic juice pouches with water, and apologize to kids profusely.
Capri Sun changed their production process to create 5M pouches containing the “new flavor.” These were donated to schools—a solution parents would very much appreciate, kids not so much.
To help cut through the steady stream of “we’re all in this together” messaging we chose to take a more honest approach with kids having to deal with Covid-19, returning to school and replacing their beloved juice with water. Yes, this new reality is different, but the real truth is that it kind of sucks. Apologizing for that seemed like the right thing to do.
The integrated campaign targeted specifically at young parents kicked off with a full-page newsprint “Apology” that outlined why this is needed right now. OLV’s from fun, charming and predictably bad blind taste-tests were delivered across FB/IG and TW. We tapped into behavioral-based data from LiveRamp to target those who care about the new back-to-school format. This was supplemented with geospatial data that prioritized locations near retail and on school commutes, including gas stations, grocery, malls, train stations.
We’re sorry kids, you’re welcome parents.
Here's how it went.
earned impressions
positive/neutral sentiment
message pull-through